1.7 patch - UI and system overhaul

- Overhauled UIs with custom buttons and fonts.

- All toggle switch keybinds are now axis type binds. the purpose is to support the use of physical toggle switches on the joysticks.

- Added Axis bind for camera zoom in / out.

- Changed default keyboard keybinds using Alt as a keybind modifier.

- Added various options in the menu, divided into 4 categories.

- Implemented new helicopter armament system that allows to change the weapon's projectile type and quantity.

- With this new armament system, Hydra rockets are now divided to 3 warheads :

M151 HE, M247 HEAT, and M261 MPSM.

M151 is the standard high explosive warhead that has wide splash radius and weak armor penetration.

M247 is the Anti-Tank variant that can penetrate MBT's armor but has smaller splash radius.

M261 MPSM spreads 9 M73 grenades to attack infantries or light armors. it need to be used with fuze airburst range selector added on the armament panel.

- Added unique weapon option for Right pylon : M60B gunner.

With the new gunner AI command keybinds, you can order him to shoot any enemies (which can be damaged by 12.7mm machine gun) on sight, or activate 'Gunner commanding mode' and make him fire his gun at your desired direction with 'Fire order' keybind.

He has his own health system and can be killed by any incoming fires.

It was mainly added as a proof of concept for transport helicopters in the future, which will have door gunners at each sides.

- Implemented Air unit engaging distance for AIs. Most units now have separated spotting and engaging distances for land units and air. This makes AA units to prioritize attacking helicopters but also attack land units if they are too close to them.

- Added Anti-Tank infantries carrying RPG-7 or M72 LAW.

- Added IR strobes for Ally infantries, which are visible through pilot night vision.

- MBT's top machine gun and UAZ-469's gunner can be destroyed / killed individually.

- Added Mi-24V Hind attack helicopter enemy unit as a proof of concept for attack helicopter implementation.

- In order to support attack helicopters utilizing various weapons, The Ai's weapon handling logic had been completely remade.

- When spectating dead units, the killer and weapon of choice will be displayed under the unit name.

- Implemented new Armor level for units. projectiles with lower armor piercing level than the target's armor level can't effectively damage the target.

- Added 2 tone colors for tracer rounds.

This patch took quite long to finish as I had to completely overhaul many parts to further expand my project.

My next objective is Improving sounds, and experimenting various ways to improve the world's look before starting to make proper missions and possibly some campaigns.


HJP's Defender Patrol 1.7.zip 49 MB
4 days ago

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