1.7.5 patch - urgent bug fixes

- Added new AI ATGM guiding logic, which tracks the missile's position relative to the target and guides it more precisely within 0.125 degree. 

- Applied AI ATGM guiding on the player's copilot. When the MMS is in CP/G mode, the copilot will compensate the MMS to precisely guide TOW missiles toward the current tracking target.

- when entering CP/G mode, the copilot will designate the target who is most close to the MMS field of view, instead of the distance. you can quickly track your desired target by pointing the MMS around the target in AHD or PTRK mode and then switch to CP/G.

- AI helicopters will always avoid using ATGMS at infantries and unarmored units as long as they have other weapons to use.

- Decreased the amount of T-72M and 9P148s on missions, especially T-72Ms as they are much harder to destroy than before. The number of enemy MBTs will be as low as possible until we eventually get the attack helicopter to fly.

- Added alternative collective mode where the collective position is slowly moved with input and fixed at the last position.

- If TrackIR connection is lost, the game will immediately initialize TrackIR again to recover it.

- Added 'No heavily armored units' option in mission generator which eliminates annoying T-72Ms.

- Added more ally units around the field on 'Seek and Destroy' and 'Air patrol' missions. you can occasionally enjoy watching their battles or get some help from them while flying toward your mission.

- Enemy helicopter's laser designators now get detected on RWR when they are using ATGMs at you. I realized it's very inconsistent in terms of gameplay rule that 9P148's laser can be detected but enemy helicopters' can't.

- Fixed various AI related bugs and some coding mistakes.

- Added Weapon trigger input  displayer near the input window for testing purpose (Someone mentioned he can't launch TOWs even through the MMS is within launch constraints angle, but I have failed to find such bug. I'll continue launching TOW missiles until I can find that bug )

1.7 patch was very rushed and was in horrible state to play. Next time I won't repeat the same mistake and test my game more frequently.


HJP's Defender Patrol 1.7.5.zip 49 MB
Oct 27, 2024

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