1.8 patch - Roads, Buildings, Bases, New sounds

Scenery improvements :

- Added Various buildings and roads. Some Ground Units may drive on the roads.

- Improved Perlin noise solution to create more uneven shape of terrain and forest zones.

- Applied textures on terrain grounds to create smaller checkerboards.

Sound improvements :

- Added various new weapon sounds and adjusted the priorities.

- Outside sounds get suppressed in the cockpit, when "Suppress sound in cockpit" is enabled.

- Added various ground vehicle noises.

- Replaced the potentially copyright-infringing helicopter sounds.

- Added bullet whiz and crack sounds when they pass near the camera.

Gameplay improvements :

- Added Machine gunners.

- Added M1025 and AN/TWQ-1 Ally units.

- Changed MD-530's skid dimension to be more accurate to the real life one.

- Added Skid suspensions for helicopters. Watch the skids bending while landing !

- Gatling guns now have spinning up procedure. it takes a bit of time to open fire after pulling the trigger.

- BGM-71C TOW missiles now take 1.52 seconds to launch after pulling the trigger, emitting gyro spinning sound.

- First person and Third person view now shares the same camera.

- Added new Base, FARP, and enemy air base spawned somewhere on the map.

FARP allows you to rearm or switch weapons but don't repair your helicopter.

Some missions have quite long flight route and using FARP can be helpful for those missions.

- AI helicopters now can return to their bases and land at each helipads to rearm themselves. If you want to rearm or repair wingmen, Make sure all your wingmen are landed at the base along with you.

- Added helght map picture on TSD page.

- The player flight's default formation is now 'ROW RIGHT' from 'COLUMN'.

- Replaced the flawed unit spawning logic that could theoretically cause infinite loop to a better grid based solution.

This update took very long to complete, but I finally did it.

My next objective is creating some scripted tutorial missions, In-game database and instructions instead of the crude PDF.


HJP's Defender Patrol 1.8.zip 50 MB
34 days ago

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